Modest but marvellous Mouseman

Mouseman 1970s set of table and chairs, £5600 at Tayler & Fletcher.

This set of table and chairs by the ever-popular Mouseman had been bought from the Kilburn workshops in the 1970s by the vendor’s parents.

Extracted from Antiques Trade Gazette | Terence Ryle

Mouseman furniture of this date does not command the same pricing as those made in the lifetime of Robert Thompson himself but much of it is beginning to age rather nicely after close to half a century of use.

Offered by Tayler & Fletcher (18% buyer’s premium) in Gloucestershire on February 20, the 8ft (2.44m long) oak refectory table was accompanied by eight chairs with lattice carved backs. All elements have Thompson’s trademark carved mouse.

The set went at £5600, just shy of top estimate, to a private buyer via