‘The Fall of the House of Usher’, ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’, ‘The Mystery of the Marie Roget’ and ‘The Purloined Letter’ are among now famous works that are to be found in the newly discovered first issue copy of Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales shown below.
Extracted from Antiques Trade Gazette | Ian McKay

A publication of 1845, this famous work contains tales that are now widely recognised as having seen the invention of detective fiction, but in this original form the work has come to be thought of as essentially unobtainable.
Published at 50 cents as the second title in Wiley & Putnam’s ‘Library of American Books’, and still in pretty reasonable condition in its paper wrappers, this rare copy was found earlier this year in the attic of a New England home, where it appears to have lain untouched over a great many years.
On November 18, in a Boston sale held by Skinner (23/20/10% buyer’s premium) it sold at $260,000 (£203,125) – equalling a record set seven years ago at Sotheby’s New York for the ex-Bradley Martin copy, which on its first outing in 1990 had sold at $45,000.